Posts Tagged ‘emotional tension’

Autumn Shadows - excerpt

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AUTUMN SHADOWS Book 2: A Deep South Romance Benjamin McGlade is here to protect her, but can Gemma protect her vulnerable heart from him… (c) Shirley Wine   2021 Cover art/ Seflpubbookcovers/Lori Prologue Auckland. This wasn’t how he planned to spend the last night before his deployment, sitting alone in the dark, in his mate’s flat, […]

A new book - Katherine Bay Series

Home  to Stay  A new book in the hugely popular Katherine Bay series is now available for pre-order on all e-Book sales platforms - available March 31st. Amazon  Barnes&Noble  Kobo iBookstore  and for pre-sale on Smashwords  Her problems bring them together, but only a miracle can erase their differences—    Wounded in a nasty divorce, Willow […]

The Ten Stages Of Intimacy

Revisiting an old post… How to Create Emotional Tension in your writing. Often writers get rejections that say in essence not enough emotional tension. So what is strange creature “Emotional Tension”? It is the No 1 essential ingredient in a book, any book. Emotional tension is what hooks your readers…and keeps them turning the page. Write […]

Shock Your Reader…

When was the last time you shocked your readers? Jolted them outside their comfort zone? When was the last time you made a statement in your WIP that made a reader say….Whoa…I never expected that… The key to keeping your reader interested is to deliver well thought out and well planned emotional bullets….never underestimate the value of shocking your readers […]

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